Organizations that destroy the status quo win

Cam and I put on matching blue checkered shirts and blue sport coats (by coincidence, I swear), and went on camera to discuss what Better Drinking Culture means to us.

(L-R) Jason Ley, CEO, and Cam Brieden, Founder
Quietly behind the scenes, we’ve been working with Rhino Media to film a trailer for what will likely be the precursor to a full-fledged documentary about BDC’s journey to impact the world.
Rhino’s been interviewing some of the key players at a handful of our Certified Partners for to dig into their perspective of and experience with joining the movement. Listening to them talk has been pretty eye-opening. To hear someone else’s story about why repping the BDC lifestyle is important to their organization has been a powerful thing.
And, for me to think about why BDC is important to me, which I’ve now proudly done every day since Cam invited me aboard, has been stop-me-in-my-tracks humbling.
I originally wanted to share the original batch of questions Rhino considered throwing at us. Not all of them got asked, and I surely didn’t answer them verbatim as I wrote them out (that’s just how my mind works on paper vs. in real time), but if you want to know what BDC means to me, please stay tuned to this blog. I intend to dissect each of those questions into their own posts.
After my interview, and before going to a Cicerone study group, I paused to grab a beer at Slows Bar BQ, inside the Downtown Market. Posted up at the bar, I was reading Tribes by Seth Godin, which Cam gifted me on my first day, and I came across this line, highlighted in the photo below:
“Organizations that destroy the status quo win.”
It was another sign of reassurance that what I’m being charged with at BDC is going to disrupt and impact.
I’m curious about what success stories all of you other leaders and Tribe members out there have that showcases where you’ve left your mark on what you’ve aimed to accomplish. Please, comment below, or share with someone who’s got a golden nugget of experience they’d like to share.
Go destroy.

from Seth Godin’s ‘Tribes’
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